
Our team is growing: May arrivals !

In May, we were delighted to welcome Roxane, UX Designer, and Camille, UI Artist! We asked them a few questions.

What do you like most about working at Mi-Clos?

Roxane: What I like most about Mi-Clos at the moment is the great welcome I’ve been given, and the projects look really interesting!

Camille: I’ve just discovered the project and it’s got me really excited! There’s going to be a lot of UI stuff to try out, and I can’t wait!

What are your favorite video games?

Roxane: It’s hard to choose, but the ones that have made the biggest impression on me are Hades, Red Dead Redemption 2, Alba, FF6, and the Ace atonery saga. So I play a lot of narrative games, whatever the gameplay.

Camille: My first love is management/city builder games – much more zen than Prince of Persia. After that, if there’s a story or graphics I like, I can do roguelite, metroidvania, survival or narrative. Oh, and I also love horror games!

What are your hobbies?

Roxane: Painting, writing and animals.

Camille: Drawing, video games and making things with my hands 😉


Thanks again and welcome to the team!